Humane Society Of Yuma

Success Stories

Maggie and May

Maggie and May have brought so much life and excitement to staying at home. My daughter has learned so much and greatly enjoyed training these two. The past few weeks we've been staying in the country with my mum for the summer, so they've had grand adventures getting dirty and running free. Maggie (brown) is undeniably pit-bull, fiercely loyal, and is mastering obedience training. May (white) is always climbing things, nose constantly to the ground, has floppy ears, long nose, long lanky legs, and slinky hips, so we are thinking she has some hound in her. They were really scared when animal control picked them up, full of worms, and a little emaciated. Lots of care and food later, we're covering up those ribs and they're becoming thick. They're too big for one kennel, but they refuse to sleep apart so an xl kennel is on its way!