Humane Society Of Yuma


What is animal cruelty?

Animal cruelty crimes generally fit into one of four categories; intentional cruelty, neglect, animal fighting and animal hoarding.

Intentional Cruelty or Abuse

When a person knowingly deprives an animal of food, water, shelter, socialization, or veterinary care or maliciously tortures, maims, mutilates, or kills an animal. People who are intentionally cruel to animals take satisfaction in causing harm. Animal fighting would fall under intentional cruelty.

Animal Fighting (Dog Fighting And Cockfighting)

When two or more specially bred and trained animals are placed in an enclosure to fight, for the primary purposes of gambling and entertainment. Animal fights usually result in the death of one of the animals; sometimes it ends in the death of both.


The failure to provide an animal with proper shelter, food, water, attention, grooming or veterinary care. Cases of neglect are acts of omission rather than commission and do not give satisfaction to the person whose animals are neglected.

Animal Hoarding

The accumulation of a large number of animals, where the caregiver provides minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation and veterinary care; and fails to act on the deteriorating condition of the animals and/or the environment.

Reporting Cruelty

What do I do if I witness animal cruelty?

If you witness animal abuse or neglect, please contact your local authority
City of Yuma Animal Control
Somerton Animal Control

Yuma County Animal Control

San Luis Animal Control




Humane Education

At its most basic level, humane education is about learning to care for the animals in our homes and communities. It is about fostering kindness, respect and empathy for both human and nonhuman animals... humane education has a philosophical component that strives to establish a sense of responsibility and make the world a better, more humane place.
The Humane Society of Yuma offers presentations on animal cruelty and bite prevention that can be tailored to any audience or grade level. 

For parents and teachers

The mission of the ASPCA to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States. The mission of the Humane Education department is to aid in the realization of the organizational mission by providing relevant, quality materials, resources and programs for educators, students and parents.
The National Humane Education Society provides humane education, rescue and relief assistance for animals, as well as screened adoption services. Through the Humane Education Department, we provide educational presentations to all ages and information services to members as well as to the general public.

For Children:


Cars are doggie death traps

A little heat outside a car can quickly make it very hot inside. On a summer's day of only 85 degrees Fahrenheit, for example, even keeping the windows slightly open won't stop the inside temperature from climbing to 102 degrees in 10 minutes, and to 120 degrees in 20 minutes.
A dog's sweat glands, on their nose and the pads of their feet, are ineffective during hot days. Dogs pant to keep cool but if they only have over-heated air to breath. they can quickly suffer heatstroke. 
A dog whose body temperature raises to 107-108 degrees can suffer irreparable brain damage or even death after just 15 minutes - if not sooner.

Protect Your Pet From Hot Weather

The following has been reprinted with permission from Dumb Friends League of Denver, Colorado.
To protect your pet from hot weather hazards, please follow these tips:
Never leave your pet in a parked car. Even cracked windows won't protect your pet from overheating or suffering from heat stroke during hot summer days.
Exercise your dog in the early morning or evening hours, instead of during the middle of the day when it's hottest.
If your dog or cat is out during the day, remember that asphalt and concrete can get very hot and burn the pads of their feet. Your pet must always have shelter available to protect it from extreme temperatures and inclement weather. Be aware that older and overweight pets, as well as flat-faced breeds such as Persian cats, pugs and bulldogs, are more likely to overheat in hot weather.
Keep your pet away from unfamiliar yards and grassy areas as many people treat their lawns with pesticides and fertilizers, which can cause severe intestinal upset in dogs and cats when ingested. Some types of mulch can also be hazardous.
Provide your pet with fresh, cool water every day in a tip-proof bowl.
Keep your pet well groomed, but resist the temptation to shave off all of his hair in an effort to keep him cool. Your pet's coat will protect him from getting sunburned. A matted coat traps in the heat, attracts parasites and can cause skin sores.
Keep your pet away from spots or puddles of auto coolant in the garage, driveways or parking lots. The sweet taste of this poisonous liquid is tempting to animals, but can be fatal. You might consider using a more pet-friendly variety of coolant that is less toxic.