Report My Lost Pet
The Humane Society of Yuma has partnered with Finding Rover to give lost pets and owners who are searching the best chance of finding their pet. Finding Rover is integrated with our shelter software using facial recognition software to identify potential matches of lost pets with animals in our database.
Owners MUST still come into the shelter to reclaim a pet.
Lost Pets
The Humane Society of Yuma is Yuma's resource for lost and found pets. Each month, we reunite worried pet owners with their stray companions. If you have lost a pet, follow the steps below and check for your pet daily at the Humane Society of Yuma.

We are now partnering with Petco Love lost to help reunite lost pets with owners. Using facial recognition, Petco Love lost pulls data from Nextdoor, local shelters and other sources and returns possible matches and locations of the missing pet. You can also upload pets you have found into their database. You can access Petco Love Lost by clicking the button below.

Once you've found your pet, ensure his or her safety by:
- Keeping a collar, license and identification tag on your pet at all times. Lost animals wearing identification are usually returned directly home.
- Microchiping your pet. Microchips are a painless, permanent form of identification. The insert microchip inserted under your pet's skin is encoded with a number that is registered in a national database and can traced back to you, 24-hours a day.
- Keeping your cat indoors. Cats allowed to roam outside don't live as long- it's that simple. Consider building a safe enclosure for your cat or only allowing her outdoors when supervised. It's especially important to confine your cat during early morning and evening hours when coyotes, foxes, and hawks are looking for prey.
- Having your pet spayed or neutered. Altered animals are less likely to roam from home and if they do, they don't contribute to pet-overpopulation.
- Upgrading your cat's lifestyle! Indoor cats live longer, healthier lives. Welcome your feline friend into your home to show how much you care.
- Confining your dog. If your yard isn't fenced, consider investing in a free-standing dog kennel. Tethering your dog is not a safe alternative and will not protect him from other aggressive dogs, wildlife, theft, or dangerous entanglement. If your dog is left alone each day, consider doggy day care or a neighborhood cooperative play group.